Kyiv The members of the "Kanevska Four" from the right to the left - Evgeny Marchuk, Alexander Tkachenko, and Vladimir Olyinyk declare about the cancel of their previous decisions on Tuesday, October 26, 1999. Marchuk, who the day before was nominated as the single candidate from the "Four", declared, that he would continue the fight on his own. He also does not exclude the possibility of collaboration with Olyinyk. Tkachenko declared that he will cancel his candidature in favor of Petr Simonenko, the leader f the Communist Party of Ukraine. Alexander Moroz had not appeared on the press conference. On Monday he declared that he will continue his pre-election campaign on his own. Photo by Dmitry Gavrish/ UNIAN

Evgeny Marchuk, Alexander Tkachenko and Vladimir Olyinyk

The members of the "Kanevska Four" from the right to the left - Evgeny Marchuk, Alexander Tkachenko, and Vladimir Olyinyk declare about the cancel of their previous decisions on Tuesday, October 26, 1999. Marchuk, who the day before was nominated as the single candidate from the "Four", declared, that he would continue the fight on his own. He also does not exclude the possibility of collaboration with Olyinyk. Tkachenko declared that he will cancel his candidature in favor of Petr Simonenko, the leader f the Communist Party of Ukraine. Alexander Moroz had not appeared on the press conference. On Monday he declared that he will continue his pre-election campaign on his own. Photo by Dmitry Gavrish/ UNIAN

Gavrish Dmitry
Ukraine / Kyiv
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