Tuzla The Ukrainian frontier guard carries service on a south-east boundary post on the Ukrainian island Kosa Tuzla bordering Russian peninsula Tamansky in the Azov sea on Friday, Oct. 24, 2003. In the background is dike from the Tamansky peninsula, what Russian builders continue to install. On the state on Sunday, Oct. 26 2003 the Ukrainian border guards continue to stay on the Tuzla island and the Russian builders continue to strengthen a dike. Russians assert that renewal of ecological balance in the Azov sea is the purpose of its activity. They also do not acknowledge belonging of island to Ukraine and is considered his " disputable" territory. The Ukrainian politicians and row of experts consider that the desire of Russia to influence on motion of distributing of aquatorium of Azov sea and Kerch channel between Ukraine and Russian federation is the real purpose of building of dike. Photo by Vladimir Pecheny / UNIAN

Ukrainian frontier guard

The Ukrainian frontier guard carries service on a south-east boundary post on the Ukrainian island Kosa Tuzla bordering Russian peninsula Tamansky in the Azov sea on Friday, Oct. 24, 2003. In the background is dike from the Tamansky peninsula, what Russian builders continue to install. On the state on Sunday, Oct. 26 2003 the Ukrainian border guards continue to stay on the Tuzla island and the Russian builders continue to strengthen a dike. Russians assert that renewal of ecological balance in the Azov sea is the purpose of its activity. They also do not acknowledge belonging of island to Ukraine and is considered his " disputable" territory. The Ukrainian politicians and row of experts consider that the desire of Russia to influence on motion of distributing of aquatorium of Azov sea and Kerch channel between Ukraine and Russian federation is the real purpose of building of dike. Photo by Vladimir Pecheny / UNIAN

Pecheny Vladimir
Ukraine / Tuzla
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