Pit Baumgartner and Karl Frierson
Members of the German musical band “De Phazz” Karl Frierson, on the left, and Pit Baumgartner during the press-conference in Kiev on Thursday, November, 1st, 2007 Group “De Phazz”, the name of which is decrypted as “DEstination PHuture of jAZZ”, meaning ”way in the future of jazz”, was founded in 1997. This time the group arrived to Kiev with the program “Days of Twang” to promote new album which was produced this year . Photo UNIAN
- ID:
- #89623
- Author:
- Musienko Vladislav
- Location:
- Ukraine / Kyiv
- Date taken:
- 01.11.2007
- Max. resolution:
- 2360x1868 px
- Views:
- 787
- Downloads:
- 0
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