Neapol FILE The leader of BYUT Yuliya Timoshenko communicating with Ukrainian citizens, who arrived on earnings to Italy, in Naples, August 9th, 2007. On Wednesday, September 19th, 2007 in Kiev presentation of film "Mother and stepmother", shot on Timoshenko initiative took place. Film was presented in a capital movie theatre "Ukraine". Hour-long documentary film in which Timoshenko came forward as an co-author, and also appeared in a few shots as the host, telling about life of the Ukrainian women in Naples, where they arrived on earnings. Photo by Aleksandr Prokopenko / POOL / UNIAN

Yuliya Timoshenko

FILE The leader of BYUT Yuliya Timoshenko communicating with Ukrainian citizens, who arrived on earnings to Italy, in Naples, August 9th, 2007. On Wednesday, September 19th, 2007 in Kiev presentation of film "Mother and stepmother", shot on Timoshenko initiative took place. Film was presented in a capital movie theatre "Ukraine". Hour-long documentary film in which Timoshenko came forward as an co-author, and also appeared in a few shots as the host, telling about life of the Ukrainian women in Naples, where they arrived on earnings. Photo by Aleksandr Prokopenko / POOL / UNIAN

Prokopenko Aleksandr / POOL
Italy / Neapol
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Election campaign Presentation by Yuliya Timoshenko film “Mother and stepmother” Shooting «Mother and stepmother»
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