Lviv COMM The head of the Supervisory Board of International Charity fund “Ukraine 3000” Ekaterina Yushchenko, looking through books, presented at the XIV National Book Exhibition-Fair in Lvov, on Thursday, September 13th, 2007. Exhibition takes place from 13th to 16th of September 2007, and is listed as central event in cultural life of Ukraine. Famous Ukrainian and foreign writers meet at Forum in order to present their current books. This year at the Exhibition are presented more than 190 publishing companies. There are 280 events within Forum program, major are 6th festival of books for children, II international literature festival, XIV contest “The book of the Forum 2007”. Photo by Mikhail Markiv / POOL / UNIAN

Katerina Yushchenko

COMM The head of the Supervisory Board of International Charity fund “Ukraine 3000” Ekaterina Yushchenko, looking through books, presented at the XIV National Book Exhibition-Fair in Lvov, on Thursday, September 13th, 2007. Exhibition takes place from 13th to 16th of September 2007, and is listed as central event in cultural life of Ukraine. Famous Ukrainian and foreign writers meet at Forum in order to present their current books. This year at the Exhibition are presented more than 190 publishing companies. There are 280 events within Forum program, major are 6th festival of books for children, II international literature festival, XIV contest “The book of the Forum 2007”. Photo by Mikhail Markiv / POOL / UNIAN

Markiv Mikhail / POOL
Ukraine / Lviv
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