Yaroslav Lesyuk
President of "Ukrainian dimension" fund Yaroslav Lesyuk claims that the offered corrections to Ukrainian Constitution that anticipate the current parliament to elect Ukrainian President in 2004 and parliament's authorities be prolonged until October 2007 are "an attempt of power usurpation", at a press-conference in UNIAN agency in Kiev on Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003. Lesyuk noticed that the parliament has a right to make changes in the Constitution but the changes would be active after electing new parliament.
Photo by Viktor Pobedinsky / UNIAN
- ID:
- #7736
- Author:
- Pobedinsky Viktor
- Location:
- Ukraine / Kyiv
- Date taken:
- 24.09.2003
- Max. resolution:
- 1453x2048 px
- Views:
- 763
- Downloads:
- 0
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