Kyiv COMM From left to right: the coordinator of the project ”Save my life” Dmitry Vergun, the volunteer of charity project ”Save my life” Natalya Ostafiychuk, the coordinator of the project ”Save my life” Andrey Malyarchuk, the director of fund ”Radiance” Tatyana Popova , the head of children department of Institute of oncology of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv Sergey Pavlik, chief research assistant of the department of children oncology, candidate of medical science Oksana Belitskaya, and the volunteer of the project Tatyana Kovtunenko during press conference dedicated to the project ”Save my life”, in UNIAN in Kyiv on Friday, December, 15, 2006. The project is aimed at helping Ukrainian children who suffer from oncology diseases (hard cancer growth). The task of the project is to gather charity funds to buy necessary medical equipment and medical supplies for children department Institute of oncology of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv. Photo by Aleksandr Sinitsa / UNIAN

Participants of Charity project “Save my life” in press conference in UNIAN

COMM From left to right: the coordinator of the project ”Save my life” Dmitry Vergun, the volunteer of charity project ”Save my life” Natalya Ostafiychuk, the coordinator of the project ”Save my life” Andrey Malyarchuk, the director of fund ”Radiance” Tatyana Popova , the head of children department of Institute of oncology of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv Sergey Pavlik, chief research assistant of the department of children oncology, candidate of medical science Oksana Belitskaya, and the volunteer of the project Tatyana Kovtunenko during press conference dedicated to the project ”Save my life”, in UNIAN in Kyiv on Friday, December, 15, 2006. The project is aimed at helping Ukrainian children who suffer from oncology diseases (hard cancer growth). The task of the project is to gather charity funds to buy necessary medical equipment and medical supplies for children department Institute of oncology of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv. Photo by Aleksandr Sinitsa / UNIAN

Sinitsa Aleksandr
Ukraine / Kyiv
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