Kyiv From left to right: Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing Anatoliy Bliznyuk, Minister of Agriculture and Food Resources of Ukraine Nikolay Prisyazhnyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolay Azarov and a head of Association of the wholesale markets of Ukraine Roman Fedishin examine a miniature of a wholesale market of agricultural products, in Kiev, on Monday, July 25, 2011. On this day, after a visit of a wholesale market of agricultural products "Stolichnyi" Prime Minister said that the government would consider possibility of 50% compensation for expences for storage of vegetables to farmers. Photo by Andrey Skakodub / UNIAN

Anatoliy Bliznyuk, Roman Fedishin, Nikolay Azarov and Nikolay Prisyazhnyuk

From left to right: Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing Anatoliy Bliznyuk, Minister of Agriculture and Food Resources of Ukraine Nikolay Prisyazhnyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolay Azarov and a head of Association of the wholesale markets of Ukraine Roman Fedishin examine a miniature of a wholesale market of agricultural products, in Kiev, on Monday, July 25, 2011. On this day, after a visit of a wholesale market of agricultural products "Stolichnyi" Prime Minister said that the government would consider possibility of 50% compensation for expences for storage of vegetables to farmers. Photo by Andrey Skakodub / UNIAN

Skakodub Andrey / POOL
Ukraine / Kyiv
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