Kiev Militia officers guard the embassy of Georgia in Ukraine during a rally in support of the Georgian photographers who were arrested on charges of espionage, in Kiev, on Tuesday, July 19, 2011. This day near the Embassy of Georgia in Ukraine, a rally in support of the Georgian photographers who were arrested on charges of espionage, took place. Participants of the action required to make public evidence linking these photographers to espionage or to release them on bail. On July 7, the personal photographer for Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and two others were charged with espionage for Russia. Photocorrespondents of Kiev mass media and representatives of "Stop Censorship!" movement held an action of protest against this arrest near the Embassy of Georgia to Ukraine. Photo by Aleksandr Sinitsa / UNIAN

Militia officers guard the embassy of Georgia

Militia officers guard the embassy of Georgia in Ukraine during a rally in support of the Georgian photographers who were arrested on charges of espionage, in Kiev, on Tuesday, July 19, 2011. This day near the Embassy of Georgia in Ukraine, a rally in support of the Georgian photographers who were arrested on charges of espionage, took place. Participants of the action required to make public evidence linking these photographers to espionage or to release them on bail. On July 7, the personal photographer for Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and two others were charged with espionage for Russia. Photocorrespondents of Kiev mass media and representatives of "Stop Censorship!" movement held an action of protest against this arrest near the Embassy of Georgia to Ukraine. Photo by Aleksandr Sinitsa / UNIAN

Sinitsa Aleksandr
Ukraine / Kiev
Date taken:
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2484x1980 px

Topics with photos

Feature. The militia In Kiev a rally in support of the Georgian photographers on charges of espionage took place near the Embassy of Georgia in Ukraine
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