Kyiv The corpse of a pariah dog in the yard in Nikolskaya Slobodka in Kiev, on Saturday, June 18, 2011. This day in Nikolskaya Slobodka pariah dogs began to die. Before the eyes of people the dogs died in terrible pain. Veterinarians from the local hospital tried to save animals. Unfortunately, their efforts were in vain. All the symptoms were those of poisoning by rat poison. As a result of poisoning more than 10 dogs died, as well as cats, pigeons and other birds. Local residents called investigative team and a police patrol, which received the explanations and petitions. Photo by Aleksander Senko / UNIAN

The corpse of a pariah dog

The corpse of a pariah dog in the yard in Nikolskaya Slobodka in Kiev, on Saturday, June 18, 2011. This day in Nikolskaya Slobodka pariah dogs began to die. Before the eyes of people the dogs died in terrible pain. Veterinarians from the local hospital tried to save animals. Unfortunately, their efforts were in vain. All the symptoms were those of poisoning by rat poison. As a result of poisoning more than 10 dogs died, as well as cats, pigeons and other birds. Local residents called investigative team and a police patrol, which received the explanations and petitions. Photo by Aleksander Senko / UNIAN

Sen’ko Alexander
Ukraine / Kyiv
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