Doslidnitskoe village Minister of Agriculture and Food Resources of Ukraine Nikolay Prisyazhnyuk (left) and Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolay Azarov (in the centre) during the working trip of Prime Minister to Kiev region, on Friday, June 10, 2011. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolay Azarov gave a press-conference on Friday after a meeting to prepare for harvesting early grain and retooling agriculture sectors. The The Prime Minister predicted good grain harvest. "In general I would say that I am satisfied that, with all the complexities, the situation is under control. That is why we expect a good harvest of grain, and, respectively, the stability of food prices," Nikolay Azarov said. Photo by Oleg Markevich / UNIAN

Nikolay Azarov and Nikolay Prisyazhnyuk

Minister of Agriculture and Food Resources of Ukraine Nikolay Prisyazhnyuk (left) and Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolay Azarov (in the centre) during the working trip of Prime Minister to Kiev region, on Friday, June 10, 2011. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolay Azarov gave a press-conference on Friday after a meeting to prepare for harvesting early grain and retooling agriculture sectors. The The Prime Minister predicted good grain harvest. "In general I would say that I am satisfied that, with all the complexities, the situation is under control. That is why we expect a good harvest of grain, and, respectively, the stability of food prices," Nikolay Azarov said. Photo by Oleg Markevich / UNIAN

Markevich Oleg
Ukraine / Doslidnitskoe village
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