Sevastopol A participant of the meeting “Black Sea Fleet is staying. Where is a cheap gas?“ holds a sign “We are fed up with government's lies” in Sevastopol, Crimea, on Wednesday, April 27, 2011. About 400 people participated in the meeting that was dated to the anniversary of Kharkov agreements. So-called Kharkov agreements were signed between Ukraine and the Russian Federation concerning the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Crimea. Verkhovna Rada adopted them on April 27, 2010. These agreements allow the Black Sea fleet to stay in Crimea by 2042, and envisage secure cheaper gas for Ukraine in return. Photo by UNIAN

Participants of the mass meeting

A participant of the meeting “Black Sea Fleet is staying. Where is a cheap gas?“ holds a sign “We are fed up with government's lies” in Sevastopol, Crimea, on Wednesday, April 27, 2011. About 400 people participated in the meeting that was dated to the anniversary of Kharkov agreements. So-called Kharkov agreements were signed between Ukraine and the Russian Federation concerning the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Crimea. Verkhovna Rada adopted them on April 27, 2010. These agreements allow the Black Sea fleet to stay in Crimea by 2042, and envisage secure cheaper gas for Ukraine in return. Photo by UNIAN

UNIAN photo
Ukraine / Sevastopol
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