Kiev Half-back of the Kyiv’s Dynamo Sergey Fedorov (left) and Donetsk’s Shakhtar forward Andrey Vorobey fight for a ball during the game of the Ukrainian Soccer Championship’s 17th round Dynamo (Kyiv) vs. Shakhtar (Donetsk) on Saturday, April 7, 200 in Kyiv. The match finished with the score of 1:2 in favor of Shakhrtar. Kyivites opened the score (17th min. Melashchenko), but starting from the second period Nigerian Julius Aghahowa (50 min.) and Senegalese Assan Ndiaie (53 min.), who played for Shakhtar moved their team forward. After this victory Shakhtar leads in the Ukrainian Soccer Championship. Photo by Dima Gavrish/ UNIAN

Playing moment of match

Half-back of the Kyiv’s Dynamo Sergey Fedorov (left) and Donetsk’s Shakhtar forward Andrey Vorobey fight for a ball during the game of the Ukrainian Soccer Championship’s 17th round Dynamo (Kyiv) vs. Shakhtar (Donetsk) on Saturday, April 7, 200 in Kyiv. The match finished with the score of 1:2 in favor of Shakhrtar. Kyivites opened the score (17th min. Melashchenko), but starting from the second period Nigerian Julius Aghahowa (50 min.) and Senegalese Assan Ndiaie (53 min.), who played for Shakhtar moved their team forward. After this victory Shakhtar leads in the Ukrainian Soccer Championship. Photo by Dima Gavrish/ UNIAN

Gavrish Dmitry
Ukraine / Kiev
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