Anastasiya Prihodko
Ukrainian singer Anastasiya Prihodko during drawing of semifinalists of national selection on participation from Ukraine in International song contest «Eurovision-2011» in Kiev, October, 13, 2010. October 11, 35 semifinalists of national selection on participation from Ukraine in the song contest «Eurovision-2011» conducted drawing. A judge will define three finalists from every group, an audience can choose another participant by voting. Photo by Valdemar Gorlushko / UNIAN
- ID:
- #310749
- Author:
- Gorlushko Valdemar
- Location:
- Ukraine / Kyiv
- Date taken:
- 13.10.2010
- Max. resolution:
- 2772x2226 px
- Views:
- 875
- Downloads:
- 0
- Keywords: