Sergey Tigipko and Irina Akimova
Vice-prime minister of Ukraine Sergey Tigipko and first Deputy of Head of the Presidential Administration staff, Presidential Administration of Ukraine Irina Akimova during extended meeting of the Committee on Economic Reforms, in Kiev, on Tuesday, September 28, 2010. Viktor Yanukovych has stressed that high priority reforms aimed at improving business climate in this state should include decreasing the number of permits, simplifying the procedure of their receipt, fewer business areas subject to licensing, improving the system of state supervision, reforms in the field of administrative and paid services, reforms in the sphere of technical regulation.“I believe the needs and demands of businessmen are just for the time being. I am totally conscious when saying that these needs should be crucial for policy making,” the Head of State underlined.Viktor Yanukovych also demands to administer respective deputy ministers a rebuke, who failed to implement deregulation tasks. “I call for those ministers present. Dear colleagues, your deputies in charge of the licensing system and those who failed to implement the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Committee on Economic Reforms should be at least reprimanded the first time and implement the set tasks by the end of this week. There will be no second try. It is a yellow card. The next time it will be a red one,” the President warned. Photo by Andrey Mosienko / POOL / UNIAN
- ID:
- #307276
- Author:
- Mosienko Andrey
- Location:
- Ukraine / Kyiv
- Date taken:
- 28.09.2010
- Max. resolution:
- 3444x2592 px
- Views:
- 470
- Downloads:
- 0
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