Kyiv Left-right: Ukrainian Television and Broadcasting National Committee Chairman Boris Kholod, vice-Chairman of the National committee Victor Leshik and National Committee member Nikolay Bagraev on the press-conference in Kyiv, on October 10, 2000. On the press-conference Kholod declared that he is intended to carry out the licensing of television and radio channels. According to the National Committee information, 90 TV-Radio organizations (TRO) work without licenses. In accordance with the legislation, they have no right to go on the air. In the currant year the term of licenses of 78 TRO will finish, 33 of the amount for the 10.10.2000, actually, are working without license. During the 2001 the term of licenses of 197 more TRO will finish. They all should get the licenses on the right to use the channels of broadcasting. Photo by Alexander Sinitsa/ UNIAN

Boris Kholod, Victor Leshik and Nikolay Bagraev

Left-right: Ukrainian Television and Broadcasting National Committee Chairman Boris Kholod, vice-Chairman of the National committee Victor Leshik and National Committee member Nikolay Bagraev on the press-conference in Kyiv, on October 10, 2000. On the press-conference Kholod declared that he is intended to carry out the licensing of television and radio channels. According to the National Committee information, 90 TV-Radio organizations (TRO) work without licenses. In accordance with the legislation, they have no right to go on the air. In the currant year the term of licenses of 78 TRO will finish, 33 of the amount for the 10.10.2000, actually, are working without license. During the 2001 the term of licenses of 197 more TRO will finish. They all should get the licenses on the right to use the channels of broadcasting. Photo by Alexander Sinitsa/ UNIAN

Sinitsa Aleksandr
Ukraine / Kyiv
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