Moscow Representatives of Azerbaijan at “Eurovision – 2009” international song contest Azerbaijanian singer AySel and Iranian singer Arash before the start of the news conference of participants of Eurovision-2009, in Moscow (Russia), on Friday, May 15, 2009. The second semifinal of “Eurovision – 2009” at international song contest took place on May 14. After the count of viewers' votes the last 10 country members of the final were defined: Croatia, Norway, Denmark, Azerbaijan, Greece, Lithuania, Moldavia, Albania, Ukraine and Estonia. The final of Eurovision – 2009 will take place on May 16 in the evening. Besides 20 finalists, who were defined at semifinals, representatives of Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain and Spain will take part in the final competition of the song contest. Photo by Roman Tsimbalyuk /UNIAN

AySel and Arash

Representatives of Azerbaijan at “Eurovision – 2009” international song contest Azerbaijanian singer AySel and Iranian singer Arash before the start of the news conference of participants of Eurovision-2009, in Moscow (Russia), on Friday, May 15, 2009. The second semifinal of “Eurovision – 2009” at international song contest took place on May 14. After the count of viewers' votes the last 10 country members of the final were defined: Croatia, Norway, Denmark, Azerbaijan, Greece, Lithuania, Moldavia, Albania, Ukraine and Estonia. The final of Eurovision – 2009 will take place on May 16 in the evening. Besides 20 finalists, who were defined at semifinals, representatives of Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain and Spain will take part in the final competition of the song contest. Photo by Roman Tsimbalyuk /UNIAN

Tsimbalyuk Roman
Russia / Moscow
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