Moscow Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during the session of the Russian – Ukrainian Committee on economic issues cooperation, in Moscow (Russia), on Wednesday, April 29, 2009. During the session the Prime Minister of Ukraine said that Ukraine is about to promote advancement of entrance process of Russia to the World Trade Organization. She noted that today’s conditions prompt Ukraine to refuse from excessive protectionism and creation of new barriers for trade of goods and services, including with Russia. The Prime Minister also said that practically all priorities of economic activity, which were defined a year ago at the last session of the Committee, are fulfilled as of today. The Prime Minister of Ukraine noted that economic crisis influenced negatively on a dynamics of the bilateral trade-economic cooperation. At the same time she expressed a hope that volume of turnover can be increased to the level, which was before the crisis, in the nearest future. Ukraine became the 152nd full member of the World Trade Organization on May 16, 2008 Photo by Aleksandr Prokopenko/POOL/UNIAN

Yulia Timoshenkoand Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during the session of the Russian – Ukrainian Committee on economic issues cooperation, in Moscow (Russia), on Wednesday, April 29, 2009. During the session the Prime Minister of Ukraine said that Ukraine is about to promote advancement of entrance process of Russia to the World Trade Organization. She noted that today’s conditions prompt Ukraine to refuse from excessive protectionism and creation of new barriers for trade of goods and services, including with Russia. The Prime Minister also said that practically all priorities of economic activity, which were defined a year ago at the last session of the Committee, are fulfilled as of today. The Prime Minister of Ukraine noted that economic crisis influenced negatively on a dynamics of the bilateral trade-economic cooperation. At the same time she expressed a hope that volume of turnover can be increased to the level, which was before the crisis, in the nearest future. Ukraine became the 152nd full member of the World Trade Organization on May 16, 2008 Photo by Aleksandr Prokopenko/POOL/UNIAN

Prokopenko Aleksandr / POOL
Russia / Moscow
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