Zaporozhye The crew of the transport aircraft AN-12 (from right to left): Nikolay Yareshko (the board-technician), Sergey Dundukov (the navigator), Vladimir Reznikov (the captain), Yuryi Kolesnikov (the radio operator), Yuryi Farafonov (the 2nd pilot), Vladimir Pridorogin (the board-technician) and Vladimir Zelenyi ( the flight mechanic)near their AN-12 in the Zaporizhzhia-based Airport, on Friday, May 5, 2000. On April 30 the aforesaid airplane landed in the Zaporizhzhia-based Airport. Earlier, on February 20 the AN-12 with its crew was seized in the Poent-Noir-based Airport (Congo). The "Motor-Sich" Airline (the An-12 owner) is intended to bring a suit against the Congo Company "Mainly Finance Ltd." on compensation of damage for the arrested aircraft. According to Valentine Shirochkin, the Airline President, the aircraft arrest - is wholly trumped-up case, which is aimed to own the aircraft, using the fact, that Ukraine has no Embassy in Congo. Photo by Yegor Sapronov/ UNIAN

The crew of the transport aircraft AN-12

The crew of the transport aircraft AN-12 (from right to left): Nikolay Yareshko (the board-technician), Sergey Dundukov (the navigator), Vladimir Reznikov (the captain), Yuryi Kolesnikov (the radio operator), Yuryi Farafonov (the 2nd pilot), Vladimir Pridorogin (the board-technician) and Vladimir Zelenyi ( the flight mechanic)near their AN-12 in the Zaporizhzhia-based Airport, on Friday, May 5, 2000. On April 30 the aforesaid airplane landed in the Zaporizhzhia-based Airport. Earlier, on February 20 the AN-12 with its crew was seized in the Poent-Noir-based Airport (Congo). The "Motor-Sich" Airline (the An-12 owner) is intended to bring a suit against the Congo Company "Mainly Finance Ltd." on compensation of damage for the arrested aircraft. According to Valentine Shirochkin, the Airline President, the aircraft arrest - is wholly trumped-up case, which is aimed to own the aircraft, using the fact, that Ukraine has no Embassy in Congo. Photo by Yegor Sapronov/ UNIAN

Sapronov Yegor
Ukraine / Zaporozhye
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