Odessa Semen Varenityin, leader of the Trade Union «Nadezhda» of the «Iliechevskyi Dock» chained to the tree is sitting in front of City Office House and City Court House in Odessa on Thursday, April 27, 2000. On the very same day Varenitsyn chained himself to the tree and declared the termless hunger-strike, requiring to fulfill the demands of the Trade Union. «The first - to press for the restoration of legality on the dock, which is under the Ukrmorrechflot, as, in accordance with the Trade Union members, the leadership artificially moves the enterprise to bankruptcy (the Odessa Court has already sued a case on bankruptcy), in order to get profit. And the other - seize the red-tape arbitrariness on the registering of «Nadezhda» Trade Union, which has been already working legally on the plant since 1993 and asserts the labor rights of local workers and impedes the squandering 140 million of basic funds». Photo by Alexey Sadilenko/ UNIAN

Semen Varenityin

Semen Varenityin, leader of the Trade Union «Nadezhda» of the «Iliechevskyi Dock» chained to the tree is sitting in front of City Office House and City Court House in Odessa on Thursday, April 27, 2000. On the very same day Varenitsyn chained himself to the tree and declared the termless hunger-strike, requiring to fulfill the demands of the Trade Union. «The first - to press for the restoration of legality on the dock, which is under the Ukrmorrechflot, as, in accordance with the Trade Union members, the leadership artificially moves the enterprise to bankruptcy (the Odessa Court has already sued a case on bankruptcy), in order to get profit. And the other - seize the red-tape arbitrariness on the registering of «Nadezhda» Trade Union, which has been already working legally on the plant since 1993 and asserts the labor rights of local workers and impedes the squandering 140 million of basic funds». Photo by Alexey Sadilenko/ UNIAN

Sadilenko Aleksey
Ukraine / Odessa
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