Kyiv Activist of "Fishermen Union of Ukraine" public union an inventory of poaching net packed into bag during “Burning of poaching net” ecological action, in Kyiv, Tuesday, November 4, 2008. 12 million Ukrainians become poachers annually. Ecologists showed this statistics. Particularly, the fishing rules are violated often. Employees of fish inspection detained more that 96 thousand fish poachers in 2007. Organized poachers gangs do the most harm to nature. They have modern equipment – electronic fishing rods, satellite navigators, electronic hunter's whistles and other modern equipment. It leads to the fact that they catch the same amount of fish as home fish enterprises – near 200 thousand tons Photo UNIAN

Description of nets of poachers

Activist of "Fishermen Union of Ukraine" public union an inventory of poaching net packed into bag during “Burning of poaching net” ecological action, in Kyiv, Tuesday, November 4, 2008. 12 million Ukrainians become poachers annually. Ecologists showed this statistics. Particularly, the fishing rules are violated often. Employees of fish inspection detained more that 96 thousand fish poachers in 2007. Organized poachers gangs do the most harm to nature. They have modern equipment – electronic fishing rods, satellite navigators, electronic hunter's whistles and other modern equipment. It leads to the fact that they catch the same amount of fish as home fish enterprises – near 200 thousand tons Photo UNIAN

UNIAN photo
Ukraine / Kyiv
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Topics with photos

Fishing Inspection against fish poachers Ecological action ”Burning of networks of poachers”
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